Malcolm – CEO message
“COREO’s logo signifies community, reliability, and safety, which is being designed into every aspect of our next App release in the fall of 2024. Creating highly reliable carpool troupes for co-workers and neighbors will provide round-trip certainty for riders like never before and make COREO a community builder. In later app releases, we also plan to add a quantifiable Carbon Credit benefit for COREO users.“

How It Works

User Savings
“Share-the-expense” carpooling means users can recoup up to 60% of their solo driving costs through automatic in-App reimbursement between riders and driver. Based on driver and rider preferences, the COREO App finds the best carpool match(es) and determines the proper cost recovery amount for each commute. This means COREO users never have payment negotiating stress, and driver reimbursement is guaranteed. Our App will be free to download; and unlike ride-hailing companies, we only charge a small fee for each seamless COREO commute.

Each Household
saves nearly $ 4,000
per year

Note: assumes each person commutes four times per week. Brian/Alice’s costs are the average Canadian driver’s running costs for mid-size vehicle worth $53,500, excluding finance charges, and average fuel consumption of 11.3 L/100km. Samantha’s costs are for a smaller $35,000 gasoline car that gets 8.0 L/100km. CO2e values based on one-way commute distance of 20km and a fuel cost of $1.50/litre. Assumed parking cost is $18/day/vehicle.
For Enterprise
Net zero climate strategy targets are now front and center for every corporation and government. These targets include the Scope 3 emissions from employees that commute to work. Despite these targets, both public transit and carpooling use for commuters have been in decline for years. We have developed COREO to help organizations decrease their Scope 3 emissions, and materially increase the disposable income of their employees.
COREO helps cities and organizations address their mobility and Scope 3 emission problems by offering a new category of commuting for workers: Real-Time, Choreographed Carpooling.

We are launching soon in Calgary